Sphacelaria bornetii Har. , legitimate, scientific
Hariot, P. (1887), Algues Magellaniques nouvelles. Journal de Botanique (Morot) 1: 57-59 [tax. nov.]
  • Type locality: Habite les coquilles. Baie Orange (Terre de feu).
  • Type specimen: [Type category unknown]: Herbier Cryptogamie, Paris: [Accession No. unknown]
Reinke, J. (1891), Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Morphologie der Sphacelariaceen. Bibliotheca Botanica 23: 15 [secondary reference]
Ricker, R.W. (1987), Taxonomy and Biogeography of Macquarie Island Seaweeds: - [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Herpodiscus bornetii (Har.) Draisma, Prud'homme & H.Kawai legitimate
Womersley, H.B.S. (1987), The marine benthic flora of southern Australia. Part II: - [secondary reference]
Womersley, H.B.S. (1987), The marine benthic flora of southern Australia. Part II: - [misapplied]
misapplied to: Herpodiscus reinkei (Sauv.) Draisma, Prud'homme & H.Kawai legitimate by Reinke, J. (1891), Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Morphologie der Sphacelariaceen. Bibliotheca Botanica 23: 15
Draisma, S.G.A., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & Kawai, H. (2010), A revised classification of the Sphacelariales (Phaeophyceae) inferred from a psbC and rbcL based phylogeny. European Journal of Phycology 45 (3): - [secondary reference]
Draisma, S.G.A., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & Kawai, H. (2010), A revised classification of the Sphacelariales (Phaeophyceae) inferred from a psbC and rbcL based phylogeny. European Journal of Phycology 45 (3): 322 [basionym]
basionym of: Herpodiscus bornetii (Har.) Draisma, Prud'homme & H.Kawai legitimate
ABRS (2011), Australian Algal Name Index Edn. 2011: - [secondary reference]
  • Comment: Womersley 1984 The marine benthic flora of southern Australia. Part II p.154 states the Australian mainland records are S. reinkei.