Lithophyllum discoideum Foslie , legitimate, scientific
Foslie, M. (1900), Calcareous algae from Fuegia. Svenska Expeditionen till Magellanslanderna 3: 73-75 [tax. nov.]
  • Type locality: The species has been taken on the east coast of Fuegia, at the mouth of the river Rio Grande, here growing scattered on Lithphyllum deipiens. It is also known from the coast of Patagonia ....
Lemoine, M. in Charcot, J. (ed.) (1913), Melobesiees, revision des Melobesiees Antarctiques. Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-1910): 46 [basionym]
basionym of: Pseudolithophyllum discoideum (Foslie) Me.Lemoine legitimate
Mendoza, M.L. & Cabioch, J. (1985), Redefinition comparee de deux especes de Corallinacees d'Argentine: Pseudolithpohyllum fuegianum (Heydrich) comb. nov. et Hydrolithon discoideum (Foslie) comb. nov. Cryptogamie - Algologie 4: - [secondary reference]
  • Type specimen: LECTOTYPE: Trondheim: coll. Dusen, Fevrier 1896
Mendoza, M.L. & Cabioch, J. (1985), Redefinition comparee de deux especes de Corallinacees d'Argentine: Pseudolithpohyllum fuegianum (Heydrich) comb. nov. et Hydrolithon discoideum (Foslie) comb. nov. Cryptogamie - Algologie 4: 148 [basionym]
basionym of: Hydrolithon discoideum (Foslie) M.L.Mend. & Cabioch legitimate
Ricker, R.W. (1987), Taxonomy and Biogeography of Macquarie Island Seaweeds: - [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Spongites discoideus (Foslie) Penrose & Woelk. legitimate
Penrose, D. & Woelkerling, W.J. (1988), A taxonomic reassessment of Hydrolithon Foslie, Porolithon Foslie and Pseudolithophyllum Lemoine emend. Adey (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) and their relationships to Spongites Kuetzing. Phycologia 27: 173 [basionym]
basionym of: Spongites discoideus (Foslie) Penrose & Woelk. legitimate
ABRS (2011), Australian Algal Name Index Edn. 2011: - [secondary reference]