Ulva stenophylla Setch. & N.L.Gardner , legitimate, scientific
Setchell, W.A. & Gardner, N.L. (1920), Phycological contributions I. University of California Publications in Botany 7: 282; pl. 26 fig 2, 29 [tax. nov.]
  • Type locality: Growing on rocks in the lower littoral belt. Central California. Type no. 5445 (Herb. Univ. Calif., no. 98511), Setchell.
  • Type specimen: HOLOTYPE: University of California: 98511
Phillips, J. (1988), Field and anatomical studies on southern Australian species of Ulva (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta). Australian Systematic Botany 1: - [secondary reference]
misapplication: Ulva taeniata (Setch.) Setch. & N.L.Gardner legitimate by Setchell, W.A. & Gardner, N.L. (1920), Phycological contributions I. University of California Publications in Botany 7: 286
ABRS (2011), Australian Algal Name Index Edn. 2011: - [secondary reference]
  • AMANI dist.: Victoria (Flindersian), Tasmania (Flindersian), South Australia (Flindersian). World: Pacific coast of Canada and USA, New Zealand.