Staurodesmus cuspidatus (Bréb. ex Ralfs) Teiling var. cuspidatus , legitimate, autonym
[No reference found in source data]. -: - [primary reference]
Nygaard, G. (1950), Hydrobiological studies on some Danish ponds and lakes. Part II: The quotient hypothesis and some new or little known phytoplankton organisms. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskaberne Selskabs Skrifter 7(1): 215 [autonym]
  • Comment: Autonym created by Nygaard when he created the name S. cupidatus var acuminatus.
Croasdale, H.T., Flint, E.A. & Racine, M.M. (1994), Flora of New Zealand: Freshwater Algae, Chlorophyta, Desmids with ecological comments on their habitats 3: - [secondary reference]
Entwisle, T.J. & Nairn, L. (2011), Census of Freshwater Algae in Australia. Edn. Version 1.0: - [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Staurastrum cuspidatum var. divergens Nordst. legitimate
  • Comment: Entwisle & Nairn 2011 refer to Dingley 2003 BUT the taxon S. cuspidatus var. cuspidatus does not appear in Dingley 2003.
  • APC Comment: T.J.Entwisle and L.Nairn (2011) use this taxon concept.
  • Distribution: New South Wales, Victoria, Northern Territory