Lyrella david-mannii Witkowski, Lange-Bert. & Metzeltin , legitimate, scientific
Witkowski, A., Lange-Bertalot, H. & Metzeltin, D. (2000), Diatom flora of marine coasts. Iconographia Diatomologica 7: 232 [nom. nov.]
replaced synonym: Navicula lyra var. elliptica A.W.F.Schmidt legitimate
Saunders, K., Lane, C., Cook, S., McMinn, A. & Hallegraeff, G.M. (2010), Benthic diatoms. Algae of Australia: Phytoplankton of Temperate Coastal Waters: 110 [secondary reference]
McCarthy, P. (2012), Census of Australian Marine Diatoms: - [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Navicula lyra var. elliptica A.W.F.Schmidt legitimate
  • APC Comment: P.McCarthy (2012) uses this taxon concept.
  • Distribution: Qld (Heron Island, Moreton Bay), N.S.W. (Lake Macquarie, Botany Bay, Port Hacking), Vic. (Lakes Entrance), W.A. (Perth)
  • Ex.distribution: British Isles, North Sea, Black Sea