AANI NSL statistics
- Services Version: 1.0236
- Names: 20916
- Names with instances: 20906
- References: 18531
- Authors: 4091
- Instances of name usage: 79686
- Name type stats: (4)
- [scientific, 20467]
- [autonym, 437]
- [phrase name, 9]
- [informal, 3]
- Name status stats: (16)
- [legitimate, 19899]
- [nom. inval., nom. nud., 319]
- [nom. illeg., 250]
- [nom. inval., 217]
- [orth. var., 88]
- [nom. cons., 60]
- [manuscript name, 23]
- [isonym, 15]
- [nom. rej., 15]
- [[n/a], 12]
- [nom. et typ. cons., 7]
- [nom. superfl., 4]
- [nom. illeg., nom. superfl., 3]
- [nom. illeg., nom. rej., 2]
- [nom. inval., nom. prov., 1]
- [[default], 1]
- Name rank stats: (16)
- [Species, 14145]
- [Variety, 3111]
- [Genus, 2034]
- [Form, 770]
- [Family, 469]
- [Order, 192]
- [Subspecies, 68]
- [Class, 53]
- [Division, 27]
- [Subclass, 19]
- [Subfamily, 11]
- [[unranked], 6]
- [Tribe, 5]
- [[n/a], 3]
- [Subgenus, 2]
- [Kingdom, 1]
- Instance type stats: (23)
- [secondary reference, 45792]
- [tax. nov., 12988]
- [comb. nov., 6035]
- [nomenclatural synonym, 4553]
- [basionym, 4055]
- [taxonomic synonym, 3818]
- [primary reference, 1316]
- [misapplied, 693]
- [nom. nov., 176]
- [orthographic variant, 83]
- [replaced synonym, 55]
- [implicit autonym, 30]
- [pro parte misapplied, 17]
- [comb. et stat. nov., 17]
- [isonym, 14]
- [pro parte taxonomic synonym, 9]
- [autonym, 8]
- [doubtful taxonomic synonym, 8]
- [pro parte nomenclatural synonym, 5]
- [synonym, 5]
- [unsourced misapplied, 4]
- [homonym, 3]
- [nom. et stat. nov., 2]
- Recent name updates: (10)
- [Name 20245727: Oedogonium areschougii var. americanum Tiffany, 2025-03-26 11:08:21.616385, rlawrence]
- [Name 20246674: Oedogonium uleanum Hirn var. uleanum, 2025-03-24 17:45:48.997002, rlawrence]
- [Name 20243944: Oedogonium monile Berk. & Harv. ex Hirn f. monile, 2025-03-24 17:44:34.940999, rlawrence]
- [Name 20243982: Oedogonium inversum Wittr. ex Hirn f. inversum, 2025-03-24 17:43:25.053548, rlawrence]
- [Name 20246669: Lyngbya cf. giuseppei, 2025-03-24 17:40:46.49378, rlawrence]
- [Name 20246667: Limnothrix cf. planctonica, 2025-03-24 17:40:10.549749, rlawrence]
- [Name 20246665: Geitlerinema cf. apolloniae, 2025-03-24 17:39:19.036477, rlawrence]
- [Name 20087356: Anabaenopsis tanganyikae (G.S.West) Wołosz. & V.V.Mill., 2025-03-24 14:33:59.605, rlawrence]
- [Name 20159892: Pyrodinium phoenus Wołosz. & W.Conrad, 2025-03-24 14:33:50.866, rlawrence]
- [Name 20086364: Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wołosz.) Seenayya & Subba Raju, 2025-03-24 14:33:40.345, rlawrence]
- Recent reference updates: (10)
- [Reference 20003900: (Paper); Typification of Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl) C. Agardh and C. taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh (2001); Author 20001891: Nielsen, R. & Price, I.R.; Reference 20002175: (Journal); Taxon (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-13 23:26:53.859, rcowan]
- [Reference 20246613: (Paper); Revision of the genus Ulvella (Ulvellaceae, Ulvophyceae) based on morphology and tufA gene sequences of species in culture, with Acrochaete and Pringsheimiella placed in synonymy (2013); Author 20246611: Nielsen, R., Petersen, G., Seberg, O., Daugbjerg, N., O'Kelly, C.J. & Wysor, B.; Reference 20151679: (Journal); Phycologia (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-13 23:25:37.46244, rcowan]
- [Reference 20246603: (Paper); A new West African species of Trichosolen (Chlorophyceae) (1977); Author 20246602: John, D.M.; Reference 20151679: (Journal); Phycologia (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-13 22:53:59.789531, rcowan]
- [Reference 20002961: (Book); Paper presented at ASPAB 2010 15th-18th Nov. 2010 (2010); Author 20002036: Dixon, R. & Huisman, J.M.; , 2025-03-13 22:45:58.961, rcowan]
- [Reference 20004933: (Chapter); Species boundaries within Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) of Western Australia (2010); Author 20002036: Dixon, R. & Huisman, J.M.; Reference 20002961: (Book); Paper presented at ASPAB 2010 15th-18th Nov. 2010 (2010); Author 20002036: Dixon, R. & Huisman, J.M.; , 2025-03-13 22:45:58.95, rcowan]
- [Reference 20246568: (Paper); New records of the green-algal genus Rhipiliopsis (Udoteaceae, Caulerpales) from Papua New Guinea and the Seychelles Islands, including the description of Rhipiliopsis papuensis Coppejans, de Clerck et Leliaert, sp. nov. (1999); Author 20246567: Coppejans, E., De Clerck, O. & Leliaert, F.; Reference 20002191: (Journal); Botanica Marina (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-13 21:20:01.837658, rcowan]
- [Reference 20004274: (Paper); Note on Stoechospermum Kutz. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta) (1997); Author 20000596: De Clerck, O. & Coppejans, E.; Reference 20002249: (Journal); Cryptogamie - Algologie (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-13 21:09:16.481547, rcowan]
- [Reference 20004254: (Paper); The genus Dictyota (Dictyotaceae, Phaeophyta) from Indonesia in the Herbarium Weber-van Bosse, including the description of Dictyota canaliculata spec. nov (1997); Author 20000596: De Clerck, O. & Coppejans, E.; Reference 20002195: (Journal); Blumea (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-13 21:08:44.037696, rcowan]
- [Reference 20246563: (Paper); Four new species of Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from the western Pacific Ocean, and reinstatement of Padina japonica (2010); Author 20246560: Ni-Ni-Win, Hanyuda, T., Arai, S., Uchimura, M., Prathep, A., Draisma, S.G.A., Soe-Htun & Kawai, H.; Reference 20151679: (Journal); Phycologia (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-13 21:01:45.185839, rcowan]
- [Reference 20004158: (Paper); Studies on the marine Chlorophyceae from Hainan (1936); Author 20000836: Tseng, C.K.; Reference 20002456: (Journal); Amoy Marine Biological Bulletin (null); Author 20001242: -; , 2025-03-09 06:00:01.425, cleanUpJob]
- Recent author updates: (10)
- [Author 20068261: Wołoszyńska, J. & Miller, V.V., 2025-03-24 14:33:58.547362, rlawrence]
- [Author 20149991: Wołoszyńska, J. & Conrad, W., 2025-03-24 14:33:47.997981, rlawrence]
- [Author 20067928: Wołoszyńska, J., 2025-03-24 14:33:36.227958, rlawrence]
- [Author 20001891: Nielsen, R. & Price, I.R., 2025-03-13 23:26:53.237288, rcowan]
- [Author 20246612: Nielsen, R., O'Kelly, C.J. & Wysor, B., 2025-03-13 23:21:15.672326, rcowan]
- [Author 20246611: Nielsen, R., Petersen, G., Seberg, O., Daugbjerg, N., O'Kelly, C.J. & Wysor, B., 2025-03-13 23:19:13.791871, rcowan]
- [Author 20246602: John, D.M., 2025-03-13 22:51:23.078828, rcowan]
- [Author 20002036: Dixon, R. & Huisman, J.M., 2025-03-13 22:45:57.579948, rcowan]
- [Author 20246567: Coppejans, E., De Clerck, O. & Leliaert, F., 2025-03-13 21:13:57.351891, rcowan]
- [Author 20000596: De Clerck, O. & Coppejans, E., 2025-03-13 21:07:35.455985, rcowan]
- Recent instance updates: (10)
- [Inst 20217801: Name 20217799: Glenodiniopsis steinii Wołosz.; secondary reference, 2025-03-24 17:53:00.014153, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 20108037: Staurodesmus curvatus var. latus (A.M.Scott & Prescott) Teiling; secondary reference, 2025-03-24 17:53:00.014153, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 20234663: Name 20234661: Parvodinium inconspicuum (Lemmerm.) Carty; secondary reference, 2025-03-24 17:53:00.014153, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 20175365: Peridinium africanum Lemmerm.; secondary reference, 2025-03-24 17:53:00.014153, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 20175317: Peridinium inconspicuum Lemmerm.; secondary reference, 2025-03-24 17:53:00.014153, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 20230553: Name 20159328: Gonyaulax clevei Ostenf.; secondary reference, 2025-03-24 17:53:00.014153, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 20106807: Jaaginema lemmermannii (Wolosz.) Anagn. & Komárek; secondary reference, 2025-03-24 17:53:00.014153, SynonymyUpdateJob]
- [Inst 20246679: Name 20246678: Symplocastrum cf. muelleri; primary reference, 2025-03-24 17:47:36.284672, rlawrence]
- [Inst 20246677: Name 20246676: Romeria cf. okensis; primary reference, 2025-03-24 17:46:52.769632, rlawrence]
- [Inst 20246672: Name 20246671: Mesophyllum cf. funafutiense; primary reference, 2025-03-24 17:41:45.322787, rlawrence]
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