

A Classification is an arrangement of taxon in a tree structure. A tree structure arranges taxa in a parent/child relationship. The tree has elements that hold the position of a Taxon Concept, and it's metadata in an arrangement of taxon that we refer to generically as a tree.

A tree changes over time as our understanding of the taxa changes, so a tree can have many versions. Versions of a tree are Publications that can be referenced or cited. You can cite a published tree (version) using an identifier for the tree version or using an identifier for a tree element. This will return the element and then entire tree in the context of the published tree. Each version of a tree is immutable, i.e it doesn't change. You can cite a tree element with confidence that it will not change over time, while being able to trace the history all the way to the current placement.

Available Trees


AMANI tree

Info: Initial draft published 28/11/24 by rlawrence.
Web page:
Log entry: Updates for 28/11/2024.
AMANI: Initial draft  

Fresh Water

Fresh Water algae

Info: Inital draft published 11/8/23 by rcowan.
Web page:
Log entry: To remove an autonym. 2023.08.11
Fresh Water: Inital draft  


Micro algae tree

Info: Initial draft published 1/9/23 by rcowan.
Web page:
Log entry: To remove autonym 2023.09.01
Micro: Initial draft  


The Australian Plant Census (APC) is a nationally-accepted taxonomy for the Australian flora. APC covers all published scientific plant names used in an Australian context in the taxonomic literature, but excludes taxa known only from cultivation in Australia. The taxonomy and nomenclature adopted for the APC are endorsed by the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH).

Information available from APC includes:

  • Accepted scientific name and author abbreviation(s);
  • Reference to the taxonomic and nomenclatural concept adopted for APC;
  • Synonym(s) and misapplications;
  • State distribution;
  • Relevant comments and notes

APC is currently maintained within the Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research with staff, resources and financial support from the Australian National Herbarium, Australian National Botanic Gardens and the Australian Biological Resources Study. The CANBR, ANBG and ABRS collaborate to further the updating and delivery of APNI and APC.

Info: Initial draft published 6/1/25 by rlawrence.
Web page:
Log entry: Some newly added families and orders from the Algae of Australia Books.
AAL: Initial draft